2024 年度 B3 向け研究室紹介ページを公開しました!

Teraoka Laboratory

  • Internet
  • Distributed systems

This laboratory focuses on Internet architecture/protocols and distributed systems which lead to coming mobile and ubiquitous era. The current Internet cannot support various demands. This laboratory aims at redesign of Internet architecture in terms of mobility, ubiquity, fault tolerance, security, and privacy. In addition, this laboratory aims at building distributed systems as applications running on the Internet.

Kaneko Laboratory

  • Application oriented networking
  • Distributed systems

If we lose application viewpoints, even the latest technologies cannot work for a promising application. Aiming at highly information-oriented society, our laboratory investigates the technical requirements from application perspective, develops new applications and systems using cutting-edge networking and distributed computing technologies, and evaluates them with global application communities for the further improvements. We are focusing on high quality media applications with the large number of large files over the world.



Soki Koizumi gave a presentation at the Workshop on Internet Architecture and Applications 2023 (IA2023-57) at Tokyo, Japan.

  • Soki Koizumi, Takao Kondo, and Fumio Teraoka, “Discussion of NFC Infrastructure Considering Multi-Tenant Environment Using Software Fault Isolation”, IEICE Technical Report, vol.123, no.372, IA2023-57, pp.1-8, Jan 2024. [paper]


Kosuke Mori gave a presentation at the Workshop on Internet Architecture and Applications 2023 (IA2023-58) at Tokyo, Japan.

  • Kosuke Mori, Takao Kondo, and Fumio Teraoka, “A Semi-Automatic Network Configuration Discovery Method for a Network Information Sharing Platform KANVAS”, IEICE Technical Report, vol.123, no.372, IA2023-58, pp.9-16, Jan 2024. [paper]

IEICE IA 2023-11

Shuntaro Yanagisawa and Taku Wakui gave presentations at IEICE IA 2023-11.

  • 柳澤 舜太郎, 山田 光樹, 近藤 賢郎, 森 康祐, 関口 敦史, 熊倉 顕, 前迫 敬介, 張 亮, 寺岡 文男, “MEC環境を想定したマイクロサービスアーキテクチャ型アプリケーションにおける共用コンテナの提案”, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 277, IA2023-38, pp. 10-17, 2023年11月.

  • 和久井 拓, 寺岡 文男, 近藤 賢郎, “インターネットトラフィック汎用異常検知手法GAMPALにおける流量予測と異常検知精度の改良”, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 277, IA2023-41, pp. 33-40, 2023年11月.

IEICE IA 2023-09

Kohki Yamada and Yuki Tamura gave a presentation at IEICE IA 2023-09.

  • 山田 光樹, 柳澤 舜太郎, 近藤 賢郎, 森 康祐, 関口 敦史, 熊倉 顕, 前迫 敬介, 張 亮 and 寺岡 文男, “ContMECv2: コンテナ共用を考慮した大規模分散コンピューティング基盤”, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 193, IA2023-22, pp. 67-74, 2023年9月.

  • 田村 優樹, 寺岡 文男 and 近藤 賢郎, “OLIViS: バックボーン ISP におけるキャパシティプランニングを考慮した OSINT に基づく軽量な動画コンテンツサービス識別手法”, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 193, IA2023-22, pp. 75-82, 2023年9月.

IEICE IN 2023-08

Rempei Sawada gave a presentation at IEICE IN 2023-08 and won the presentation award.

  • 澤田廉平,高野遥斗,森康祐,and 寺岡文男, “MECM2M:計算サーバとしての移動ノードを考慮したM2Mシステムアーキテクチャ”,信学技報,vol. 123,no. 148,IN2023-21,pp. 23-28,2023年8月. (優秀発表賞)

IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems

Kosuke Mori’s paper is accepted by IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Special Section on the Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet).

  • Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka, Shinichiro Haruyama, “A Fast Handover Mechanism for Ground-to-Train Free-Space Optical Communication using Station ID Recognition by Dual-Port Camera”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2023, Vol.E106-D, No.5, pp.940-951

IEEE Access

Kohei Tsuchida’s paper is accepted by IEEE Access.

  • Kohei Tsuchida, Naoki Matsumoto, Andrew Shin, and Kunitake Kaneko, “Cache-Efficient Approach for Index-Free Personalized PageRank”, IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp.6944-6957, Jan 2023. [paper] [code]

IEICE IN 2023-01

Shuhei Nakano gave a presentation at IEICE IN 2023-01 and won the best presentation award.

  • 中野 修平, 山下 剛志, 松本 直己, and 金子 晋丈, “マルチレイヤネットワークのコミュニティ抽出におけるレイヤ反映度制御手法”, 信学技報, vol. 122, no. 342, IN2022-62, pp. 64-71, 2023年1月. (最優秀発表賞

ICOIN 2023

Kohei Tsuchida gave a presentation at the 37th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2023) at Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand.

  • Kohei Tsuchida, Naoki Matsumoto, and Kunitake Kaneko, “Node-Centric Random Walk for Fast Index-Free Personalized PageRank”, The 37th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN'23), pp194-199, Jan 2023. [paper] [code]


Kanta Kuchii gave a presentation at the 17th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2022) at Hiroshima, Japan.

  • Kanta Kuchii, Takao Kondo, Fumio Teraoka, KANVAS: A Network Information Sharing Framework Based on Network Ontology Bonsai, The 17th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC'22), December. 2022.