2023 年度 B3 向け研究室紹介ページを公開しました!

Teraoka Laboratory

  • Internet
  • Distributed systems

This laboratory focuses on Internet architecture/protocols and distributed systems which lead to coming mobile and ubiquitous era. The current Internet cannot support various demands. This laboratory aims at redesign of Internet architecture in terms of mobility, ubiquity, fault tolerance, security, and privacy. In addition, this laboratory aims at building distributed systems as applications running on the Internet.

Kaneko Laboratory

  • Application oriented networking
  • Distributed systems

If we lose application viewpoints, even the latest technologies cannot work for a promising application. Aiming at highly information-oriented society, our laboratory investigates the technical requirements from application perspective, develops new applications and systems using cutting-edge networking and distributed computing technologies, and evaluates them with global application communities for the further improvements. We are focusing on high quality media applications with the large number of large files over the world.


IPSJ ICS 2022-03

Kohei Tsuchida gave presentations at IPSJ ICS 2022-03.

  • 土田 康平, 金子 晋丈 ”大規模グラフサンプリングと並行したノード ID 再配置の分割実行によるグラフ演算の高速化”, 研究報告知能システム(ICS), vol. 2022-ICS-206, No. 13, pp. 1-8, 2022年3月.

IEICE IA 2022-03

  • 口井 敢太, 正面 佑真, 近藤賢郎, 寺岡 文男 “ネットワーク情報共有基盤 KANVAS とネットワークオントロジ Bonsai を用いた障害原因特定手法”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 409, IA2021-65, pp. 37-44, 2022年3月.

  • 田村 優樹, 近藤賢郎, 安森涼, 寺岡 文男 “ISP 視点でのトラフィック情報と公開情報を用いたコンテンツ配信サービスの同定手法”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 409, IA2021-60, pp. 7-14, 2022年3月.

IEICE IA 2022-01

Yuki Nagai and Fumio Teraoka gave presentations at IEICE IA 2022-01 at Tokyo, Japan.

  • 長井 悠毅, 渡邊 大記, 近藤 賢郎, 寺岡 文男 “LiON: ネットワーク設定とデバイス設定の分離を考慮した L3 プロトコル非依存な実験用仮想ネットワーク自動構築ツール”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 364, IA2021-54, pp. 5-12, 2022年1月.

  • 寺岡 文男, 近藤 賢郎, 口井 敢太 “ネットワークオントロジ Bonsai とその活用法に関する一考察”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 364, IA2021-55, pp. 13-20, 2022年1月.

IEICE NS 2022-01

Yoichi Ozaki gave presentations at IEICE NS 2022-01.

  • 尾崎 耀一, 金子 晋丈 ”自律分散グラフにおけるRandom Walkのための次数に基づく頂点複製手法”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 356, NS2021-116, pp. 36-41, 2022年1月.


Hiroki Watanabe gave a presentation at the IEEE Global Communications Conference 2021 (GLOBECOM 2021). (Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual Conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

  • Hiroki Watanabe, Tomonori Sato, Takao Kondo and Fumio Teraoka, “AFC: A Mechanism for Distributed Data Processing in Edge/Fog Computing”, 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'21), December. 2021.

ASON 2021

Hiroto Fujita gave a presentation at 14th International Workshop on Autonomous Self-Organizing Networks (ASON 2021). The conference was virtually held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Hiroto Fujita, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Kosuke Mori and Fumio Teraoka, “Efficient RPL Tree Construction Using Passive Link Quality Estimation”, 14th International Workshop on Autonomous Self-Organizing Networks (ASON), Nov. 2021.

IEICE CQ 2021-09

Hiroto Fujita gave a presentation at IEICE CQ 2021-09 (Online).

  • 藤田 滉冬, 田中 康之, 森 康祐, 寺岡 文男 “RPLにおける受動的なリンク品質推定を用いた効率的な木構造構築”, 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 173, CQ2021-50, pp. 59-64, 2021年9月.