Update: IEICE NS 2021-05

A presentation from Yoichi Ozaki at IEICE NS 2021-05 was selected as “Eligible Paper for Encouragement Award.”

The Encouragement Award is as follows.

【Summary】 The purpose of this award is to promote “motivation for research” and “continuous presentation at workshops” for young researchersNote who are conducting promising research.

【Eligible papers】 The Network Systems Research Committee members will recommend to the Chair of the Committee the papers among ones presented by young researchers at the Class I workshop organized by the Network Systems Research Committee that are novel in terms of research themes and approaches, are budding researches that are expected to present their progress, and are recognized as having excellent future prospects.

Note. The definition of a young researcher is “the first author/presenter who is 35 years old or younger”.

(Excerpts from the website of Technical Committee on Network Systems, IEICE and translated into English)